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Thread: Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version]

  1. #151
    I invented Go-Gurt. Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Clint's Avatar
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    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    I enjoyed the happy victory sounding music from Final Fantasy IV, but overall, Final Fantasy VIII had the best musical score in my opinion. The game had no voice overs, but the music added the intended emotion to the scenes, which I thought worked even better than a lot of the voice acting in the newer Final Fantasy games, which, I'm sorry to say, completely suck.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    I'm not that big of a Final Fantasy VII fan, but the characters in that game were the most original, and what worked for me was, all the characters had distinct personality traits. Unlike a lot of the other Final Fantasy games, where everybody essentially has the same mindset, as they're all focused on essentially the same goal, in Final Fantasy VII, it seemed as though the characters were their own persons.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    Laguna Loire from Final Fantasy VIII. He was an enigma, and essentially the exact opposite of Squall. He sort of complimented Squall, who was different from all the previous main characters, while Laguna had essentially the same occupation of all the previous main characters. It was a pretty cool idea on the game designers part, actually.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    I liked in Final Fantasy X, where you could switch people out of battle in replace of somebody different. It made the battles easier, and gave experience (or sphere space things) to more people, making it easier to level up (er, gain sphere things).

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    Sephiroth is the ultimate Final Fantasy villain. He's insane, like most villains, but the difference between Sephiroth and most villains, is that Sephiroth isn't annoying. You don't hate Sephiroth, you just think that he's badass, and that's how a true villain should be.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    Final Fantasy IV had the most original storyline, in my opinion. The others after seemed kind of like the writers were trying so hard to make a better story, that they just weren't as good.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    I honestly don't like the endings to any Final Fantasy game. It's a repeated mistake where they make the final boss one of the easiest in the game, so that the ending sequence seems long, boring, and drawn out.

  2. #152
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Which FF had your Favorite Music? I would have to say that Cas of right now I find the music from IX to be one of the more compelling scores that I am liking right now, usually I would have to say VI then VII but I have played them to much as of recently and they are a little over played. Every time that I play through IX I find myself really liking the music.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall? VI by far, each character has a uniques back story I love how each one has a differnet skill, and I have found my self growing fond of them over the years. I can say that I do not hate any of the characters, IV follows up a close second. It seems like the newer games the characters have fallen into a rut of repetetivness with the exception of IX, most of the characters in that one where pretty unique.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it? From VI Sabin he is kind of like the all american bad ass, he has given up everything to be himself and to find himself and in the end became one of the strongest FF cast members ever. Other honerable mentions, Edgar, Terra, Shadow (all from VI) Cecil Rosa and Kain (IV) Mog (VI), Vivi and Zidane (IX) Vincent, Cid and RedXIII (VIII), Rhiona (VIII) and who could for get Butz...

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System? Actually I like X's battle system, it still had the old school feel to it but you where not limited to the characters left on screen, but in the same sence I felt that feature made the game to easy. XII had a good system for what it was, I found myself hating it at first because I was use to more of the classic fighting systems but it did eventually grow on me. But being a man of the classics some of the older systems still rank amongst my favs.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it? VI, Kefka for christ sake who else has actually set a plan into motion and was actually sucessful at it? Plus his annoyances through out the game turned my feelings twards him to pure hatered and that is the way a villian should make you feel. Honerable mentions, Golbez, Exdeath, Seigfried (hahaha)

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline? Umm this is a tough one because I am split between IV and VI, both are great and I can still get enthralled by the stories. IX was a great bang for my buck and the first few times I played through VII I loved the story.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending? VI and IX where awsome endings, VII had a greaet ending for the above reasons, so I will leave it at this XII's ending sucked almost as bad as MQ hahaaa.....
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

    We will fight, we will be strong
    Together we're marching on
    United, we move as one
    Our finest hour has just begun
    Philmore - Our Finest Hour

    Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?
    My awards:

  3. #153
    Live your life the way you want to. Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Zidane-Tribal's Avatar
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    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Thats a hard one I loved final fantasy IX's Melodies of life but I guess the final fantasy with the best music in for me was Final Fantasy VII with Final fantasy X being a close 2nd.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    Probably Final Fantasy IX. The characters all shown a strong bond within one another giving you the element of friendship. The Zidane and Garnet love story was one of the strongest points of this game with the moral no matter what always look after your loved ones.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    Zidane Tribal from Final Fantasy IX. Alright im no thief or have any plans of kidnapping a princess but he is a down to earth caring person who would do anything for anyone in the game. I'm kind of like that too.
    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Probably Kuja from Final Fantasy IX as he was intent on destroying the whole planet of Gaia. After Zidane found out about his past he couldn't forgive Kuja so he is probably the most notorious villain.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    Final Fantasy IX. The Zidane and Garnet love story took most of the storyline but it was interesting to see the closeness between them and others in the initial storyline.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    This is hard
    I would have to say IX again. Zidane went on hiatus but returned to his loved one which was actually a pretty emotional moment.
    You don't need a reason to help people : Zidane Final Fantasy 9

  4. #154
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy VIII had my favourite music of any game, let alone any FF. My favourite song on that game was Force Your Way (Boss theme). I think the boss theme made fighting a boss more awesome.

    For Characters, I would say VIII again. When I played it for the first time, I took an instant liking to all the characters, and it is the only FF to do so for me. None of the characters in VIII annoyed me in any way, whereas there is at least one in every FF I've played.

    My favourite character is Squall from VIII (notice a pattern yet?). I think he is the character from any FF that relates to me the most. I love his weapons! The Lionheart is a sick piece of equipment.

    My favourite battle system is a toss up between VIII and XII (yes, XII). I loved the junction system of VIII, because you could get massively powerful very early on. I liked XII because it was very tactical and gave you more control over your characters than the others.

    Kuja from IX is my favourite villain. I love how he was a fairly minor villain in the beginning, and after a lot of twists and turns, he becomes a super villain, and to me, he is the most evil and sinister of any FF villains.

    VIII had my favourite storyline. I love how it starts off mission based, and evolves into one huge crusade to save the world. I loved the inclusion of the sorceresses aswell.

    I love the end to IX. Zidane attempts to save his sworn enemy, and then goes away for a while, only to show up in the middle of the play. I love it!

  5. #155
    Rider on the Storm. Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] sonicisrad's Avatar
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    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    > Fav Music Score of any FF Game??... Crisis Core, by a long shot. Takeharu Ishimoto is genius. He has catchy-compelling music that holds many different emotions. Great score, for a great game.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    > Probably Final Fantasy VIII. Just having a group of Student's, 3 from one Garden + an ex-teacher, an outcast Student & a rebel leader just mix well together compared to the other FF's that have a huge variety thrown together...

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    >Crisis Core contained the presence of the dedicaed Zack Fair, who portrays the young-obnoxious rookie evolving into the honorable leader. A dude you hated at the start, but loved until the very end...

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    > Final Fantasy VII. Materia was just a nice touch that moulded well with the ATB system and it was very user friendly.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    > Hands down Final Fantasy VII. Sephiroth is unbeatable when it comes to Villians who made an impact! Personal, Quiet & Serious about his work with his intimidating look and the mind of a ticking time-bomb. Pure awesomeness.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    > I liked Final Fantasy VIII's storyline because it connected to me as it is, Student's turned Military SeeD's, turned Saviors of the World. hehe.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    > What could be better than the Ending, that was just the beginning?
    ....Crisis Core....
    An American Poet

    1943 - 1971


  6. #156
    big yuna fan Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] nra4's Avatar
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    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    i liked 1000 words from X-2 gave me goose bumps and i cried during it =(

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    XII vaan cause he can hit the highest and the easiest to train

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    X-2, yuna because i use her the most and she is the main character

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    didnt rely hav 1

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    didnt rely hav 1

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    XII because u can go back and get the things u missed without having to start again
    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    XII because it shows u wat they r doing in the next year

  7. #157
    Registered User Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] IrvineKinneas's Avatar
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    My favourite song from FF was "To Zanarkand" from FFX the reason this song was my favourite was because it made me cry nearly everytime I heard it. Also it always makes me think about the party sitting round the fire knowing it may be the last time they can ever be together like that.

    My favourite characters overall where the characters from FFVII. I loved the turks mainly because Reno and Rude are the funnies partnership ever and i like Rudes sunglasses. I also think Aerith was probably my favourite female character in FF because she was so selfless and died attempting to save the world. I dont like Cloud very much because he always feels sorry for himself all the time and he should just get on with his (or zacks) life.

    My favourite character is, yep you geussed it, Irvine Kinneas from FFVIII. Although not many people take much notice of Irvine I still think he is awesome because although he is a bit of a ladies man he is also a bit of a loser. Like me he has a fear of failure but eventually overcomes it and gets on with the tasks given to him. He is also an awesome sniper!

    My favourite battles sytem was from FFIII (only played ds version.) The reason I liked this battles system is because I enjoy the classic FF system but I also liked the different Jobs and that you can hold two swords for the offensive or a sword and a shield for the defensive. Another thing I liked about the battle system in FFIII was that with each job has a unique weapon and that if you change job your job lvl lowers and have to re-train for that job making the game alot more challenging.

    My favourite villain was Kefka from FFVI because he is so crazy and a complete sociopath. He also puts in alot of effort to fulfill his goals and eventually does achieve world domination. I also like how the game doesn't straight away emphasise that he is the main antagonist but makes you think that he is just the emporers fool.

    My favourite storyline was hard to decide mainly because I can't explain why but I decided for FFVIII. As I said earlier I can't really explain why this is my favourite storyline. I geuss I just like the characters and the boss battles. I also found the game extremely challenging probably the most challenging game I've played.

    FFX had my favourite ending. The reason I loved this ending so much is because it is one of the most emotional endings ever because Tidus goes to the farplane after all that they've been through and Yuna can never be with him but Tidus finally finds peace with Jecht (by killing him lol). I also love Yunas speech at the end and is very insperational.

  8. #158
    1. I think most of the games had some great music, such as the opening song in FF8 and the boss music in FF7. But overall, i think it has to be FF10, especially because of To Zanarkand, which is just amazin!

    2. My favourite characters overall has to be FF7. Every single character was so interesting and had a brilliant and unique back story. All them had great characters, but i felt in most of the other games there were a few characters who were a bit of a let down.

    3. My favourite character overall is most definitly Auron. He is just so kick-ass and i just love him.

    4. Battle system is between 7 and 10, but would probably have to go with 10 because of the character swaping-thought that was a very good addition.

    5. Vilan has to be Sephiroth. For me he just represented terror and evil so perfectly, and his back story was just unbelivable in depth. He was brilliant.

    6. Storyline has to go to 7. It was just so detailed, and while on the outside it appeared as a simple good vs evil storyline, which in many respects it was, underneath that there was a hugely detailed story with some astonishing twists.

    7. My favorite ending is definitely 10. Just the entire ending sequence was so stunningly beautiful, and Yunas speech...brings a tear to my eye every time
    "I'll be going now. I'll come back when it's all over."
    -Aeris Gainsborough

  9. #159
    I feel epic... Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    My favorite Final Fantasy is definately X. It was the first FF I played and I just ended up loving it.

    I'm stuck between FF VIII and FF VII for music. But, I ultimately choose VIII because when the situation was calm, calm music played, and when the situation looked bad, actiony music played. It also has one of my favorite final boss themes, The Extreme.

    Final Fantasy VI had an array of separate and interesting characters. All of them have fascinating or tragic pasts which motivate them.

    I don't have a single favorite character, as I am stuck between Squall from VIII, Vivi from IX, Gilgemesh from V(I don't consider him a villain), or Terra from VI. All of these characters I either enjoy or can relate to in a way.

    I can't decide between the ATB or CTB systems... I'm sorry if I can't really make a decision on these matters. Both were enjoyable and I used them to their fullest extent.

    My favorite villain would have to be Kuja from FF IX. Why? Ignoring that he managed to do in moments where other villains could only dream of, destroying a world in moments.... He is a also a ruthless character. Possessing the Eidolons and using them to bring about ultimate destruction, and that's how one become a giant dickcheese!

    Again, FF X had an amazing story with twists and new turns every once in a good while. You think you know how it will end, and then BOOM, a story twist changes your entire perception on the situation. I was even convinced up until the very end.

    *sigh* once.... again! FF X had a great ending. If I recall it was the first one to bring me to tears, and that happened three times afterward! It was just so heart-tugging that I lost it.

  10. #160
    Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Ragtime's Avatar
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    1.Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    FF IX with Hunter's Chance, Dark Messenger and Melodies of Life stand out the most in an amazing soundtrack.

    2.Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    FF VI had the largest cast without a doubt with vibrant colourful characters with their own string back stories (especially shadow).

    3.Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    FF IX had Steiner who is my most favourite character because of his grandiose and pomp nature, despite playing second fiddle to Beatrix. He has an amazingly strong, unwavering loyalty to Alexandra, which is admirable. Despite all his shortcomings he is a likeable character to both the gamer and other characters in the game.

    4.Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    FF X, which banished the dilemma of "OMG! Which characters shall I take?" Besides that, its just so fun to be able to use all characters in one battle and adds another tactical element in the game.

    5.Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Kuja because of his defiance of his fate, which most of the villains aren't. Also, he is the most manipulative, by controlling a whole nation and when you find out that he's just another victim of Garland's plan, you can't really blame him can you?

    5.Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    FF IX has a simple yet compelling story which uses the base 'warring nations' plot and put many interesting plot developments.

    6.Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    FF X without a doubt. It was so so sad with a bitter sweet ambiance. And when Tidus ("I have to go. I'm sorry I couldn't show you Zanarkand.") starts to disappear and Yuna said "I love you", that really broke my heart. And Yuna's speech was awesome "The friends and the dreams that have faded... Never forget them."

  11. #161
    I definietly loved the soundtrack of Final Fantasy IV. Me and my girlfriend are still humming the "Theme of Love". I also enjoy some of the music from Final Fantasy X, but i think they could have had better voicework for Tidus.

  12. #162
    #LOCKE4GOD Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Alpha's Avatar
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    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    FFVI, easily. Each location had a tune that incorporated where you were in the game, the monsters you were facing, the storyline thus far. The WoR world map tune, to me, has connotations of hope, and despair. Finding yourself all alone, trying to piece back together your assortment of fighters. Not only this, but it actually incorporated music as a subplot, with Celes in the opera. While those noises resembling voices were kind of funny, looking past that, it is a very beautiful piece of music, with multiple themes which suit Celes' character; a model that is reproduced throughout the game as a whole.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    Overall, FFIX. This is because there was just such a medley of different personalities, and I liked how they came together, even if the reasons why only became clearer to the characters (and to us) much later. I liked Zidane's approach to things; not to take life so sternly, revealing a whole new world to Garnet/Dagger. That scene where Dagger chops of her hair symbolises so much in this regard, and is my all-time favourite moment in FF (although she did look better with long hair).

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    My favorite character in FF is probably Vivi, but there are multiple characters (Terra, Squall, Zidane, Basch, Ashe, Dagger) who from time to time also take this auspicious spot. Vivi i fell is such a tortured soul. A little guy, trying to help out as best he can, following others even though he falls over from time to time (literally!). He somewhat becomes disenfranchised with his lot, upset that he may not be as important as the other characters and key personalities, but overcomes this, his greatest challenge. He's a tough little guy, and I love watching him pull out multiple Doomsdays against Ozma, that giant, planetary git.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    I prefer FFXII's battle system over the other's, simply for realism. Usually, I'm a sucker for turn-based (so FFX scores highly), but I feel SE really thought hard and tested XII's system so that it really does flow smoothly. The advantage of knowing exactly what enemy is next is handy, but they could have randomised monster locations a little bit.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    Sorceress Ultimecia, FFVIII. I think she's a creepy looking lady, and while she doesn't seem to have much of a look-in until late in the game, with hindsight (and, of course, multiple replays) she is actually pulling a lot of strings, making her one powerful mo' fo'.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    FFIX. I would like to say VII, even just to get on the bandwagon, but I can't. VII's story completely failed to grip me. I did not feel as though I was on a crusade for the planet, and I enjoyed watching Aeris die, as she sucked and looked as though she was dressed in a sleeping bag (not the only reasons of course). FFIX, however, from inauspicious beginnings, a medley of unlikely heroes, each with a convincing, interesting and influential background, taking on evil despots with too much power and greed. A real victory for the good guys, and plenty of comic relief (ahh, Quina, funny AND mighty).

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    FFX-2, i know it's weird, but it's true. I feel that although Yuna never found what she was looking for (unless you get 100%, where she get's a little somethin' somethin'), she found what she needed, and that's the ability to move on and actually enjoy the life she promised everyone, but didn't give to herself, who deserved it the most. The sight of the three primary Gullwings on the roof of the Celsius, full of life and laughter summarised the game, and symbolised Yuna's hope for the future, even if it really didn't advance a plot in any way.

  13. #163
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Xanatos's Avatar
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    This is the best Thread I have seen so far.

    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    - I must say FFIX.It has the best battle music.Kuja theme sounds so evil
    and Rose of Maye Music piece is simply beautiful.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    - Definitely FFVIII.The Characters in FFVIII are just great.They are so complex and interesting.All of them have interesting story a past,fears,wishes and secrets.Every one of them is done perfect especially Rinoa and Squall.They connection is amazing and they are one of the interesting characters.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    It would be Zidane Tribal from FFIX.He is one heck of a thief and best in Tantalus gang.He looks cool (Anime Style).Unlike Cloud and Squall he is not so serious,he is funny,strong,brave and also smart.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    - FFVIII has the best Battle System.Yeah sure the Junction System is a little complicated in the beginning but when you handle it you can junction magic differently for every battle in the game.It is perfect for battle against opponents like Omega or Ultima Weapon.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    - Again FFIX.Kuja Tribal is my favorite Villain in FF.He is cold with no emotions, pure evil obsessed with power.even the music surrounding him make him more evil.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    The best Storyline has FFIX.The story is so deep so complex and every character is perfectly connected wit the story.FFIX has the best story in FF Series.I think that best segment of game is story and because of that FFIX is the perfect game.I also like the story from FFVI.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    - I would say FFVIII.A litle confusing end in the beginning but it all ends well.The scenes of Zell in the end movie are very funny.

  14. #164
    Warrior Ninja Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    Under your futon.x
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Final Fantasy X had my favourite music I fell in love with the "Song of Prayer", "To Zanarkand" and "A Fleeting Dream"...I just find all the music on the game to be so relaxing and sound so peaceful =]

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    Overall the FF game that had my favourite characters would have to be Final Fantasy XII... I personally thought all the characters were amazing with such different personalitys as opposed to other FF where I didn't like a couple of the characters... I just thought all the characters were great and seemed cool like Balthier... :]

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    My favourite FF character would have to be Auron from Final Fantasy X...He seemed so laid back and was prettyn strong on top of that...He also had very great fashion sense XD

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    Final Fantasy XII had my favourite battle system because I liked how you always got to see the monsters you're fighting and how you don't have to take turns....Sure you got to wait awhile for the weapons to charge up by I didn't mind that =3

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    My favourite villain would have to be Sephiroth of Final Fantasy 7...I thought he was the best he was strong and had lovely hair :3...It's just I find he was the best villain ever...

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    Final Fantasy X had my favourite story line!...All the love and knowing that Yuna might die was just so suspensful...It had the right amount of playing time and had a pretty interesting plot throughout the whole game...It just never got dull

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    My fav ending would have to be Final Fantasy X again...The ending was so sad...Well when Yuna goes through Tidus it made me laugh but other then that it was such a tear jerker...But I liked how Tidus dad gave him a high five when Tidus jumped the cliff :3

  15. #165
    Air from my lungs. Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Violet's Avatar
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    Under a bridge, eating your goats.
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Final Fantasy 8. Eyes On Me, Roses and Wine, Laguna's Theme, Balamb Garden, FH(fishermans horizon).. a lot others. I wish I had bought the CD.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    Final Fantasy 6. Edgar, Terra, Setzer, and Sabin. I can't say any of the other FFs, as I only have one favorite from those.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    I don't have much to say about characters in games, but my favorites are Edgar from FF6 and Squall from FF8. I liked Edgar's weapons(and his charming personality), and Squall was interesting because he wasn't fruity like the other blonds in FF9-FF12.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    Final Fantasy Tactics. I like the strategy and the leveling, it's probably the most addicting FF battle system in the series. FF8, 9, and 10 were my least favorite battling systems. FF8 because you couldn't just buy your weapons, you had to kill monsters for parts.. and the damned draw system. The draw system wasn't addicting, it just hypnotizes you because of how long it takes to draw 99 magics for every spell((when boredom reaches its limits, you go into a state of drooling, hoping it'll all be over with by the time you snap out of it)). FF9 was just slow, and FF10 was annoying with the new type of battle system(it was annoying to me, anyway.. the constant tapping of R1/R2.. ugh).

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    I used to like Kuja.. must've been the thong or something :s. My favorite now is Kefka, just because he's a loony bastard and knows how to be a villain, unlike all the long-haired fabios that followed after him.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    Final Fantasy 6 and 8. I haven't finished 6, but so far I prefer it over all the other FFs that followed it. 8 is my other favorite as far as the modern group of FFs go. I liked the mixture of sci-fi and romance, as well as sorcery/fantasy. The music was memorable, too.. and I actually liked more than one character.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    Um.. out of FF7-10, I'd have to say FF7 and FF9 made the most sense to me. I liked FF8's happy ending with the video, but the whole bit with Squall in the flower fields was kind of confusing. FF10 was just ridiculous.. "I'm a dream". Riiight. So yeah, I pick FF9 as my favorite ending, as they got married and I'm a sucker for happily ever afters'.

    I'd like to just add one more to the following: "Which is your LEAST favorite FF?" FF10 and FF12. I hate everything about FF12.. even the scenery.. it was dull. FF10? I hated all the characters, the battle system, and the plot. But the locations and music were really nice.
    Last edited by Violet; 05-19-2009 at 07:43 PM.

  16. #166
    Well, here goes. I've so far beaten 7, 10 and 12, and am currently playing 1 and 9.

    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    10 had an amazing soundtrack and the music for the fight versus
    was just rocking.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    Usually in a game there will be one character who bugs the crap out of me.(Eiko, Vaan, Penelo, Tidus) but FF7 had a great cast. Even minor characters were badass.(Reno, Rude, Elder dude)

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it? FF10 Auron but FF12's Balthier and Gabranth are a fairly close 2nd and 3rd.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System? FF7's materia style made for fun customization and had an effective magic system as opposed to simpler ones (FF10 FF12).

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it? I always prefer the minor end bosses to the main 3-part enemies. Since [spoiler] Jecht [spoiler/] doesn't really count as a villain FF12's Cid is my fav villain.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline? FF7's plot twists and focused storyline allowed for successful training and full engagingness.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending? FF12 had the best ending out of these though I can barely remember it.

    I'm sure my opinions will change once I beat the rest.
    Note: This is Joe Grzzly's first post on this forum, so I am forced to add. "Who brought the Cracker Jacks?"
    Last edited by JoeGrzzly; 05-30-2009 at 06:07 PM.

  17. #167
    Registered User Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Vivi97's Avatar
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    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    FF IX
    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    FF IX
    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    FF IX Vivi, or Garnet
    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    FF IX
    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    I dont have fav. Villain...
    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    FF IX
    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    FF IX Aw... Their so cute together...
    Im back ^^

  18. #168
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Treize's Avatar
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    ^ You forgot to say why for half of your answers...

    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    This is really hard to pick. All of the Final Fantasy games have pretty good music. I guess I'll go with Final Fantasy IV or Final Fantasy VIII, but I probably could have picked any Final Fantasy game.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    Final Fantasy IV. I really liked the characters in Final Fantasy IV. I think overall, Final Fantasy IV had the best cast of characters.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    I don't really have a favorite characters, but I like Rydia from Final Fantasy IV, Squall from Final Fantasy VIII, and Dagger/Vivi from Final Fantasy IX.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    Final Fantasy Tactics. I love the battle system in the Tactics games. They also usually take more thought than the regular battle systems in the other games.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    I guess Kefka from Final Fantasy VI is my favorite villain. I don't really like the villains from Final Fantasy games. They aren't really all that great.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    Final Fantasy IV or Final Fantasy VIII. Both of these stories were pretty epic and I really enjoyed playing through both of these games.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    This is also pretty hard. Maybe Final Fantasy IX. I thought that ending was pretty nice.
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  19. #169
    Captain Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] scifi1980's Avatar
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    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    Starting off with the toughest question

    Im gonna say Final Fantasy 10 had the best soundtrack. Final Fantasy 7 was the first one I played and I was immediatley sucked in by it's soundtrack. Next up was FF8 and I thought it was a greater accomplishment in the music departement. THEN I played FF9 and it got even better!! Final Fantasy 10 was like the pinnacle for me. 5,6,12, Tactics and even X-2 had atleast 3 or 5 tracks that I would add to my best of FF cd. I don't really remember the music from FF1 and remember less from FF4, ive played 4 through twice, it never stuck well with me.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    Favorite characters overall goes to.....ill say 10 again. I was totally enthralled that they had spoken lines in this one, even though there were scenes that were pretty gay, like the laughing moment. But I went on living.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    You know??? At this moment I think it's a tie between Bartz and Ramza from FF 5 and Tactics of all things. Everyone has pointed out the faults of the other main characters. But Bartz was a likeable guy and Ramza was getting butt banged by his family and his friends and he didn't do much complaining from what I remembr

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    Do I dare say FF 12??? The break from random battles was a breath of fresh air and why not. Their 12th title why not take a swing at it. I liked it because you could actually see the nasties roaming the country side like what you would expect in real life.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    Ill go with Sephiroth. Dycedarg Beoulve is a close second. Mean bastard.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    I just can't decide between FF 7 and FF10. Any storyline that makes you want to go back to the game an hour later after just spending 3 or 4 hours playing earlier is good.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    Final Fantasy 10. Spira is saved but it's got a bitter sweet ending. With a big speech to close the show.

  20. #170
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Definitely VI. Whenever I came to a new place, the music fitted that place perfectly. This all began on the world map (I love love love this song >//<). When I came to the World of Ruin, it continued (I was really sad then XD"). Also there was no song that was annoying me. In every other FF there was at least one song which pissed me off. XD"

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    Hm, both X and VI. In X (of course without counting X-2 XD") I liked every single character, although a few were also annoying. In VI I also liked everyone, but there was no one I didn't like. They all had their own stories, their own pasts, they fitted the story perfectly and I understood why they were fighting against evil. (Especially in X this was perfectly made clear!)
    I should also mention IX. I missed the part of explaining the characters thoroughly a bit, but all in all the characters were great =)

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    Haha... X with Auron. No one can beat Auron. EVER! XD" Perhaps it's because I played X first (I don't count VIII which I hated at the beginning xD") and I was impressed by Auron's personality. x3" Later there were other favorite characters, but no one as great as Auron .,.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    XII - despite all the criticism I really enjoyed fighting in that game. I admit that I kinda dislike random fights, so it was the best for me, I could go to any monster I liked to beat. >3 But I also liked X. It was so easy to make a strategy in X, because you had enough time to think about everything. That was also good. x3

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Here's VI again. I hope I won't be killed by any Sephiroth-lovers, but I think he was NOTHING compared to Kefka. Kefka is evil, Kefka can laugh like a maniac, Kefka has far better ways to kill off a whole city... Kefka is THE villain. Most importantly, he was present in the whole game. You could always see him doing evil things. (He didn't just sit in a crater... *cough*) I like villains who I have a chance to understand. x3"
    Finally, Kefka's speech at the end of the game was just great. I admit I laughed about some things, but overall it just showed how crazy he was. x3

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    IX. Damn at the beginning I thought the game would be totally boring, but in the end I was really touched by everything that had happened in the game. It's not only that I loved the story about the Black Mages - that was just one of many great aspects. I also enjoyed the end when all came down to some "life and death" discussions. The meaning of life, what I do with my life, death... When I thought about the game a few days after beating it, I was really impressed because I wouldn't have thought (at the beginning) that it would turn out to be so... philosophical. o.o

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    Difficult question. .-. Erm, basically... VI again. All the other endings had something in them which I disliked. Mostly they ended with the wrong sentences or were just exaggerated. XD" (Btw. all endings of all FFs are way too long imo..) So why VI? I can't say I enjoyed watching it, but it was far more interesting to see than many others. I couldn't foresee what would happen to the characters. And... yeah, somehow I also liked the fact that everything was just like before beating Kefka. O.o" Except of course the threat xD

  21. #171
    Freezing Ring! Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    Well ive only played 2 of them so here goes nothing!

    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Final fantasy 9, I loved the music so much that I hum it in my sleep ^^

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    9 just loved em' all.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    9 and Garnet and Vivi all the way

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    12 Loved it!!! No randoms

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Maybe 9, and that Black mage that attack's you when your getting on the airship

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    hm... 9, it was pretty long, and it was just great.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    Oh god... I loved 9's ending movie... When Zidane and Garnet hug... Oh god!!! I love that all the charater's were cheering. And when Beatrix, and Steiner were holding the sword up in the air...
    Well there it is... gonna watch food network XD

    JillXWesker & MeruXDart FTW!

  22. #172
    All is One.One is All. Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Firefly's Avatar
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    Fav FF Music-Has to be from Final Fantasy 10,I♥the ending song.
    Fav FF Characters-Again Final Fantasy 10.
    Which FF had your fav character and who-Final Fantasy 12~Fran
    Which FF had your fav battle system-Final Fantasy 12,everybody could attack at once,which means getting more exp.points and lots of loot!
    Which FF had your fav villian-Hmm..probaly Final Fantasy X-2,I liked fighting Shuyin,cause he reminded me of Tidus.
    Fav Storyline-Final Fantasy 10,definetly!
    Fav Ending-Well it has to be tied between Final Fantasy X and X-2,but if I had to choose it would be Final Fantasy X.It is so sad
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  23. #173
    #LOCKE4GOD Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Alpha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mydako View Post
    Unlike everyother cheap what is your favorite FF topic, I want this one to be Intelligent.

    I want you to tell your Favorite FF on several levels, and why.


    Now since I will this to be an intellectual discussion any post that's reason is two sentences or shorter will be deleted.
    Just pointing these out, as the quality of many posts is quickly diminishing.

  24. #174
    O Rly? Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Arch's Avatar
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    ok ill try to be intellectual lol

    I want you to tell your Favorite FF on several levels, and why.
    I Love FF7 basically because it has an intense story line that i dont think any game can beat, it keeps you entertained and its definitely one of those games when you first play tht u spend days on end to finish it with no sleep.The music is great and the characters are easy to like.

    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    Haha FF7 Did have my favorite music. Such as the Chocobo music i think it describes a chocobo perefectly (Listen to it) ,and the battle mussic is just something that gets stuck in your head and you are stuck humming it for hours. but my favorite song out of ff7 was sephiroths main theme..who dosent like it!!??

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    id have to say FF7 but i liked FF10 characters almost as much i did FF7, in FF10 all the characters are in someway funny lol even auron whos seems pissed all the time throws a couple of jokes here and there. I think tidus has a good attitude with his free living i do what i want kinda mind set. and Yuna i think is a perfect leading Female ,at first shes really shy and worried about saving the world but when she meets tidus that changes she opens up more and takes more risks and enjoys her journey for the most part, even though she knows wat was supposed to happend at the end..self sacrifice by summoning the final aeon

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    I probably think RedXIII was one of my favorite characters,i liked how he threw a different spin on the comrades of FF7 instead of him being a human he ended up being an experiment from an evil company...WHO KNEW?

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    I think the turn by turn battle system is the best and i fear that we are straying away from that old style of fighting..i am up for any battle system but i dont think anything is gonna beat the turn by turn battle system that was shown in MOST of the FF series.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Easy and alot of people probably agree with me, Sephiroth. First of all he has awesome theme music, he has great power and hes a total bad ass lol
    But another favorite villain of mine that i am happy to say is making an appearance in Dissidia is Ultemecia,, i dont know why i like her but i do, shes powerful and misunderstood lol and i took full advantage of her power when she was available to be in the party for a short time.
    Shes kinda hot too lol

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    hmmm do i need to say it? I explained it already, lol FF7 had the best storyline but not far away from that is FF10, it has an AMAZING storyline as well, and also another good story line was FF8 but i think i say that mostly because FF8 was the game that launched me into the FF series.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    Hmmm hard one but probably 10 enough said before i switch to 7 again lol

    is tht good enough??? lol

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  25. #175

    wow this is hard

    first of all the over all gameplay for me was FFx it was very fresh and emotional

    again the music in ffx was the best i believed the sound track had mor emotion and heart in it by far nobou amatseau best work scuse mah spelling sry

    but i do love FF7 story line better because i believe it was deeper than all the rest of thr FFs i have played granted i cried alot more in ffx but that is the reason i like ff7 more i did not cry at all not even when areis died

    my fave villan would have to be seymore from ffxofcourse he was like a cockroach he would not die foreveer ahhhhhhhhhh untill the fourth fight so i enjoyed that about hm and his pressence would anger me i really felt seymore s charachter

    sooooo my fave but hard choice to make is FINALFANTASY10

  26. #176
    レイール★レイヴン Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] SacredAngel13's Avatar
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    on my precious chair..
    my answers are:

    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    i'd say FFX. because many of FFX music sounds very GREAT both in piano version and in orchestra version. and i think the musics are match with FFX storyline.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    i think FFXII. wow, FFXII have a really great characters overall! every single character can cast any i don't need classes/job system here. just learn all of the magic and skills, and you will win the fight! ^^

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    a like Ashe from FFXII. she has a good personality as a princess and soon will be the future queen of Dalmasca. she is wise. also she has many MP so i can cast many magic..i also like Zack Fair from FFVII: Crisis Core. he is a very coooooolll~ soldier..haha..

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    for me, it's FFXII. FFXII battle system is a play-through, means i can fight or just flee without any complicated command just like the previous FF series. and the most important is there is NO RANDOM BATTLES which will prevent my mission.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    it's FFVII. and my favourite villain is Sephiroth. Why? because he's soooo~ cool. i like his eyes and his long silver hair. he is also powerful compare to other FFVII villain such as Genesis, etc.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    hmmm...this is kinda hard, because every FF series has it's own characteristic storyline. but i think the best is FFVII: Crisis Core. i dunno why..i just like it. oh, and also FFXII! i like it so much..

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    I think it's FFX with its very sad ending. it's ending really touched me and made me almost cry..other reason is i tried sooooo~ hard only to beat FFX. and i'm proud because the ending is GREATer than i think! and also FFVII: Crisis Core ending made me wanna cry seeing Zack dying..huhuhu..



  27. #177
    Registered User Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Locke4God's Avatar
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    I love this thread, because determining the best game really does require a lot of insight.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall? This would have to be 7, with a close second place going to 6, 10, and then 4. 7's characters were perfectly distributed though. Everybody had a roll to play, with an appropriate array of very important to minimal characters and with 2 optional characters to go and find, it was a really fun character experience. Even the optional characters were interesting which you didn't find in a game like 9, which had at least 2 throwaway characters. But games like 6, 10, & 4, which I mentioned earlier deserve mention as well for their use of specialty characters which forced you to plan for who you needed in certain battles, and all of their backstories in these games were quite intriguing.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System? This is 8, hands down. The junction system was so customizable, and related to every facit of the game. You could increase your HP, your strength, the ability to use GF's, to draw more magic, your magical power, and a lot more with this system. It was really really fun to use. 10 bares mention however as the first game to give you the chance to switch out characters. That was a nice touch and very useful. And every other game had good qualities. Both 9 & 7, using the materia upgrades and tokens to learns attributes were fun. But even so, 8 even had my 2 favorite battles of the entire series. Ultimacia was the best boss ever, esspecially considering the reveal of her GF near the end of the fight. But I urge you to go back and reply the game if for nothing else than to fight weapon. Just do it. BEST BATTLE EVER!!!

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it? Kefka in Final Fantasy 6 was just pure evil, but Sepheroth in 7 was more subtly cool as well. Plus Sepheroth had more of a personal motivation, so I think he wins. Ultimacia in 8 was interesting because you really have to guess at her motives, but if you understand her connection to Squall & Rinoa, then it makes for a very compelling characters. What was she doing? Hummmm. But then again Yu Yevon in 10 with his political manipulations that had gone on for 1000 years was good too. The early games didn't quite have such interesting villians, but Sepheroth still takes the cake here in terms of legitimate strength and his motivation.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline? Tought call really, here, they're all great.

    Overall I rank the games as follows


    And I haven't played 12, 11, or 3 just yet. So they're not there. But 7 takes the top spot for a great battle system if not the best, solid top to bottom characters, the great scenes of Aeries dying and her appearance at the end, and the best villian as well. Also the world itself was just fun and it has the best mini games of any in the entire series.

    9 fell a little flat of the modern games for me. It's characters were a little thin, it's mini games were few and not that interesting. It was quite linnear until well into the series, and I honestly didn't respect the attempt to honor the past. It was a great idea but I have one example to point out. Go to Cid's throne room and check out the Cid statues of regents past. You would expect Cid VIII to be holding a lance or something, but no, he's holding a harp. None of the Cid's had a harp, and I wonder why they took the time to show these statues and point out what they possessed if they weren't going to reference the Cid's of previous games. That's how the whole game felt for me. It just game up a little short of the other modern games, and I couldn't put it above the best of the classics either, and so 6 moves ahead of it as well.

  28. #178
    Registered User Favorite Final Fantasy [Intellectual Version] Locke4God's Avatar
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    I'm not done with FF XII just yet, but I really think it's going to surpass all others. My order of games, which I've really thought out is 7, 8, 10, 6, 9, 4, 5, 2, 1, with 7 being the best and moving down from there. I won't go back over that but I wanted to highlight where 12 will surpass all.

    First of all it's obviously graphically superior as are all games to the ones before it. It doesn't get a lot of points for that, but it helps.

    But where it truly succeeds is in character development. 7, 10, 6, and 4 where all very strong character games, and 12 equals those efforts at the very least. Each character here adds a lot to the game, and they have an extra element where you're allowed as the player to make up your mind as to the motivations of each of them. Nobody is truly good or bad and it's a unique angle for the series.

    The license has improved on a angle that Final Fantasy has always tried to deal with, and that is how much freedom of development to give to each player. Games like 8 gave immense freedom, but the setup left you with a bunch of homogenously powered characters. 7 was much the same. 4, 6, and 10 encouraged diversity, but in every case the decisions were pretty much made for you from the outset. I don't think many chose to make Lulu a physical powerhouse in 10. But in 12, it takes the best of the essence of a materia or junction system, and combines it with the idealism of the sphere grid, and allows you to truly customize your party any way you wish. It's a great element that requires thought, and thought is always good in an RPG.

    Side games have been lacking as of late, but 12 brings back a good number of them and of good quality. 10's games were incredibly tedious, although Blitzball was fun enough. 9 had almost no quality games. 8 had a very fun set, and 7's were the best. Almost nothing beast chocobo raising and racing and the arcade was just cool, but 12 brings back a great element of side things to do while you quest.

    And lastly, the ability to preprogram your characters to react in certain ways, is a big plus to me in 12. Why have to select a character to heal the injured each time, when you know you want he or she to do that from the beginning. Using the gambits allows you to focus on other characters in battle that you need to be able to make snap decisions with and let your mages or warriors do their things while you use a single character in different ways on your own. It's a fun and challenging element to the game. Good stuff.

    So the story is great, as are all in the series, the graphics are supperior, and the battle system, characters, side games, and world view rival any of the other top games in those categories. It's an amazing game and I believe has succeded in capitalizing on all of the best qualities of the series. Something no one game has attempted to do thus far. Final Fantasy 12 is the best.

  29. #179
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    I haven't played all the FF games in the series yet, but I will talk about the ones that I have played and pick the best out of those.

    Which FF had your Favorite Music?

    Final Fantasy IX had the best music for me. There were so many different tracks and the music was rich and very well orchestrated (but this is from Nobuo Uematsu, so how can it not be great?). I think that there are about 140 tracks in the game, but I will have to check on that. I bought three different versions of the soundtrack, two from iTunes and one from a local retailer. I think that this soundtrack gave off a much more "fantasy" feel than many of the games in the series that I played. I do have one tiny complaint. I am not a fan of "Melodies of Life". I think that "Eyes on Me" blows that song out of the water. This is only a tiny complaint, and I still think that overall FFIX has my favorite music.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?

    Including non-playable characters with main characters, I would have to say that Final Fantasy VII had my favorite characters. I do have my complaints about many of the main characters, but overall I would say that they aren't so bad. Honestly, the characters I thoroughly enjoyed were Rufus and the Turks. I loved how Rufus was an arrogant, ruthless and pretty much just did what he wanted and didn't take crap from people. I love the Turks because they have differing personalites, but they work together really well. I loved every encounter that happened with them in the game, because you never knew if it was going to be humourous (like in Gongaga) or serious (like the part where the plate support was blown up).

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?

    Take a guess...nah I'll go ahead and tell you. Final Fantasy VII had my favorite character. It's Sephiroth, btw. I admit right here and now that he's not the best character in the series, but he is my favorite. I just love the guy. Call it how you see it, I don't care, but I just think his backstory is amazing and his overall design is spectacular (my fangirlness is showing, teehee...) He's a character that I usually am drawn to anyway. Strong and silent, but he's intelligent, too. A powerful warrior with a God complex. Nice.

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?

    I quite enjoyed Final Fantasy XII's Battle System. Although a lot of people had thier complaints about it, I thought it was a great addition to the combat system. Mainly because the battles weren't random. You saw who/what you were going to fight before you engaged in battle. I liked that all your characters could be customized to your liking. Like you could have them all learn every technik and majick in the game, or you could have them specialized in one area over another (like have your warrior, your mage, etc.) Gambits were a neat addition because you wouldn't have to keep inputing the same command over and over and over again. Just set your gambits to what you wanted your characters to do and they would do it. Granted it did take me a while to get used to the idea, but I liked it once I got the hang of it.

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?

    Tough question. There are actually two that I really like. I love Sephiroth and Kuja as villains. Out of those two, I'm going to go ahead and say that I think that Kuja is my favorite villain. He's not like many of the villains that I've come across as a gamer. He's poetic, narcissistic, and the kind of villain you wouldn't really think would do the types of things that he did. He pretty much used Queen Brahne to start the war between the Lindblum and Burmecia, and used her again to destroy Cleyra. He was like a puppetmaster of sorts. Like Sephiroth, Kuja also has a pretty sympathetic backstory which led to his insanity, but I think that Kuja handled his insanity with more ruthlessness that Sephy did. I mean he completely destroyed Terra, and it really didn't take him long to do so. That was a whole planet of people (genomes really), not just a village of them.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?

    Final Fantasy VII had my favorite storyline. I played through the entire game four times. You start off the game just trying to stop Shinra from draining the lifestream from the planet and then you go from there to stopping Sephiroth from destroying the planet. I think the twists and turns throughout the game makes for an incredible story, and I just really loved the adventure that the game provided for me.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?

    Again, Final Fantasy VII had my favorite ending. Not so much with Sephy being dissolved back into the lifestream, though. I really liked this ending, because the player was left to speculate what happened to everyone on the planet. Some people said that they all died (the humans anyway, Red XIII is alive in the final scene), some said that they all found eternal happiness, some said that nothing really happened and they just went about thier normal lives. Now we know what really happened after the events of the main game, thanks to the movie and DoC, but back then all we had was our imagination.
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  30. #180
    Which FF had your Favorite Music?
    FFX - the music was really emotional and has the most song s you can listen to out of the context of the game, most songs in the others are only good as background music while playing.

    Which FF had your Favorite Characters Overall?
    Again FFX, all were likable and unlike in most FFs, they all were connected.
    And unlike in most others, there was good and frequent character interaction, going past the "oh noes, let's talk about where we need to go next" or "you see, when I was 5 my mommy took away my candy" crap featured in most others.

    Which FF had your Favorite Character, and who is it?
    Yuna, FFX. She's awesome. She is considerate of others and very gentle, but at the same time she's brave, almost fearless (the ronso elder said the entire ronso race can't win against her iron will).

    Which FF had your Favorite Battle System?
    FFXII. Almost real time battles with the best ai ever. What more can you want?

    Which FF had your Favorite Villain, and who is it?
    Vayne from FFXII by far. He's totally awesome for the most part. Not the stereotypical evil dude that is just evil for the heck of it, but an actual power hungry politician, like there more than you can count throughout history. He also is highly skilled, swaying the people of Rabanastre and gaining their favor by his speech.

    Which FF had your Favorite Storyline?
    FFX. It all added up, unlike in most others where things "just happen". All lose ends were tied in a good way, everything made perfect sense and wasn't needlessly corny or cheesy.

    Which FF had your Favorite Ending?
    FFX, see a trend there? Pretty much a perfect ending for a perfect story. The entire game had been leading up to this very moment and it was executed brilliantly.

    My favorite character from all FFs would probably be Aerith. She was a Martyr, a beautiful pillar of strength for a dieing world. Her selflessness and grace that carried her to her sacrifice. I think without her the wonder of FFVII would have fallen apart.
    She just went along to save the world, being her duty as party member and all. Only partially it was because she was the last member of an ancient race *rolls eyes*
    She was no pillar for anything and most certainly not a martyr.
    Sephy stabbed her in the back, she didn't want or even expect to die

    3. My favourite character ever in an FF in Zell Dincht from FF8. I can't really explain why on this one, I just think he's so funny and stupid in a way, but at the same time very smart.
    I also like Zell most in FFVIII. He was fun, had a cool tattoo and was a badass
    fist fighter.

    Battle sytem goes to FFVII without a doubt for the materia system which will always be my favorite battle system of any RPG. I can't imagine something better, and it allowed me to enjoy and experiment in each battle.
    Again, lolwut? have you been living under a rock for the past 10 years?
    Rpgs and the FF series have evovled and improved considerably.
    In the first place it's only your basic ATB system with some minor customization possibility that required a lot of grinding.

    Favorite villain is without a doubt Sephiroth because he was how a villain should be. I'm sick of these Kefka characters that are just pure evil, and not developed well for their reasoning. Sephiroth was developed and I truly felt for him. Plus his character design was amazing; the One-Winged Angel is the greatest symbolism I;ve seen.
    lmao, greatest smybolism you've seen? Go out and read/play/watch more stuff than FFVII for the 10 billionth time.
    Especially Silent Hill 2, that game had amazing symbolism.

    My favorite villian would have to Seifer.You got to see him become evil in present tense,unlike most who were already evil.I was pissed at him at the end of Disc 1 when I saw him with Edea.That is a real trait for villians.
    Yeah, his development from smartass bully to villain was really good.
    Though he never saw himself as villain and if memory serves me right, he also stopped fighting you when he realized what Ultimecia really planned.

    My favorite's kind of odd. It is Squall. His deep thinking and his mellow thoughts is most like mine. I can relate to him in so many levels. His mind is complicated and so is his actions. Also Tidus...because I can relate with his type of family life that he has held. Also he is a athlete or a very awesome game. And is not depressing and loves to have fun and care a lot about everyone else...much like me sometimes.
    Agreed. Squall had awesome depth. Seeing his thoughts gave a lot of insight on his actions, why he was a loner and everything else.
    His development was also good, but I think it happened a bit too fast.
    It started relatively early, but for a good while it progressed really slowly, then with one bang he turned around almost 180°.

    My favorite battle system is without a doubt FFX's. You get to control the characters leveling with the Sphere grid. You can customize weapons much like in the other games. The thing I really liked was that you could switch in a out your characters during battle...which gives the player the advantage to really have all the best attacks in one battle.
    For me it's a close second to FFXII's battles.
    Overall I like the license board more than the sphere grid because you aren't located at a single point, needing to pay to traverse the board, but just add licenses without hassle. A shame that by 2/3 of the game it was useless and you had enough points to buy the entire board 3 times over.

    Best ending: FF9. I almost cried.
    Yeah, the ending was awesome.

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